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The SAMradar
1000% Guarantee

Join the SAMradar 2-Year Program, and we guarantee you will win at least 10X what you spend on SAMradar - or we will give you 100% of your money back!


Your Commitment...

Subscribe to SAMradar

You need to keep your paid subscription active. No bailing out, no billing problems, and no cancelling or you are out of the program and we are off the hook.

Follow Up with Contacts

Use SAMradar provided follow-up templates to reach out to the growing list of contacts you receive in SAMradar notifications at least once every month. 

Participate in the Monday Roundtables

At least once a month you need to join Monday Roundtable session. Engage and participate with other attendees because business happens here.

Meet With Your
Federal Advisor

You have access to your  SAMradar federal advisor anytime during business hours. At least once every six months you need to schedule a one-on-one session with your advisor. Use the advice if you are having trouble so you exceed the 10X! You want wins, not your money back!

Engage Contacts with Templates

SAMradar provides award winning templates to help you engage with federal buyers and primes that come in your SAMradar notifications. You need to use them to reach out to at least two contacts every week.




If you follow the two year programand don't win 10x what you invested in SAMradar,
You get 100% of your money back.

Ready to get started?

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